Cosmetic injectables

Under the TGA guidelines released in 2024, we’re unable to provide specific information about medications or cosmetic injectables online. For more details, please book a complimentary consultation in our clinic or explore our FAQs below.

Over time, natural collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid levels decrease due to ageing and environmental factors like sun exposure, smoking, and stress.

Our qualified health professionals are here to discuss any concerns you may have regarding wrinkles, volume loss, facial balance, medical conditions, or skin health.

What to expect

As part of our cosmetic injectables consultation, we will discuss your concerns and goals with you, and we will provide all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Unsuitable patients

  • Must be over 18 years of age

  • If the patient is breastfeeding or pregnant

  • In certain situations, if the patient has had or intends to get the COVID-19 vaccine two weeks prior to therapy

  • If the patient has a cold sore on the area that is being treated

  • If the patient's treatment region has severe acne 

  • In certain situations, if the patient has received an antibiotic prescription within the last two weeks for an oral or face infection

  • If we think the patient isn't prepared or appropriate for therapy


  • No alcohol consumption for 24 hours prior to your appointment

  • Avoid beauty treatments two days before injections, avoid beauty treatments like waxing, hair removal, and bleaching

  • Cease fish oils 2 weeks prior to your appointment

  • Please wait 2 weeks after dermal filler for any type of immunisation

  • No Aspirin, Nurofen or blood thinning anti-inflammatories the day before your appointment

  • Please consult your medical professional if you take blood thinners prior to your appointment 


  • Do not apply makeup to areas of treatment for the rest of the day

  • Do not engage in any vigorous activity for at least 24-48 hours after dermal filler injections

  • You may wash your face gently after treatment, but avoid scrubbing or heavily massaging treatment areas

  • Avoid touching the area 

  • Please avoid facials, facial laser / energy treatments, and skin needling for 2 weeks post injection